Welcome to Corpus Christi Catholic Church
– Fr. Mark Jurzyk, Pastor

Liturgical Ministries

Do you want to become a Catholic?

Grow your Faith

Click the button below for Plenary Indulgences Explained
The Pastor's Corner
The Amazing Grace of God’s Mercy
- How can the Church, composed of human beings, decide matters that have eternal consequences?
- How can a pilgrimage to a special place produce far-reaching results like a plenary indulgence, that is, the remission and forgiveness of all our sins?
Our church has been designated to be a pilgrimage church . . .
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Like our Facebook page for the latest news and events or to watch Mass online.
New Schedule at Corpus Christi for the Jubilee Year 2025

Pray for Pope Francis' February Intentions

For the conditions explained to gain a Plenary Indulgence for yourself or for a deceased loved one, click here – https://corpuschristicarolstream.org/pastors_corner/corpus-christi-church-designated-as-a-pilgrimage-church-by-bishop-hicks/
Bring your Jubilee Candle to Mass Feb. 15 & Feb. 16

Family Mass - February 16th at 10 am

You’re invited to our 10 am Family Mass, February 16th, featuring our St. Cecilia’s Children’s Choir. We can’t wait to see you there!
February 16th at 10 am and 11:30 am - Anointing of Sick

Register for the New Bible Study - Feb. 19, 21 or 22

Join us and Register for the new Bible Study: “Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Lively Virtues” – by Bishop Robert Barron.
Register & go with us to the March for Life - March 25th

Join hundreds from the Diocese of Joliet on March 25 to attend the March for Life in Springfield, Illinois. Register here by using the QR code to take the bus from Corpus Christi Church. If you cannot attend, please continue to pray that the hearts and minds of our Illinois officials may be changed to protect all human life.
The Proto-Eucharist Full Lecture by Fr. Mark Kreis
Masses, Adoration, Confession and
Hours for Prayer
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil at 5pm
Sunday at 8am, 10am & 11:30am (Mass in Polish)
Weekday Masses
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday at 9am; Thursday at 6pm; First Friday at 9am and First Saturday at 9am
Adoration Times
Holy Days of Obligation
Masses at 9am and 7pm (except January 1st)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Thursday at 5:30pm – 6pm; Saturday at 4pm – 5pm; Sunday at 3pm – 3:30pm; and by appointment
Hours for Prayer
Monday and Tuesday 8am – 8pm; Wednesday 8am – 6pm; Thursday 8am – 7pm; Friday 8am – 1pm; Saturday 4pm – 6pm; Sunday 7:30am – 1pm and 3 – 4pm
Bishop Ronald A. Hicks' February Column

“The Gift of Imagination” Click the following link to read the Bishop’s column: https://www.diojoliet.org/w/the-gift-of-imagination