Welcome to Corpus Christi Catholic Church
– Fr. Mark Jurzyk, Pastor
Liturgical Ministries
Do you want to become a Catholic?
Grow your Faith
The Pastor's Corner
35 Years of Corpus Christi – the Body of Christ
This Sunday we inaugurate a festive celebration of the 35th anniversary of our parish. During all Masses this day, we will pray for those who for over 35 years have been dedicating their time, talents and material resources for this Catholic community. They bought 10 acres of farmland . . .
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Celebrate 35 Years on September 15 beginning with 10 am Mass, followed by our Parish Picnic!
September 15 - Annual Parish Picnic Fundraiser!
Let’s kick off our 35th Anniversary with our Annual Parish Picnic Fundraiser on September 15! Bring your whole family, friends, neighbors, appetites, and extra lawn chairs . . .
Classic Car Show - September 15 from 9 am to 2 pm
Kids Soccer Challenge - September 15
On September 15 at our Annual Parish Picnic from 11 am to 2 pm, 9-14 year olds can try out their Soccer skills, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.
September 15 - RE Kick-off and Parish Picnic
Ice cream served after 8am Mass and available at the Picnic thanks to the C.C.W.
Bring in your non-perishable food on Sept 14 & Sept 15
Interested in becoming Catholic?
Mass Schedule
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil — 5:00pm
Sunday — 8:00am, 10:00am & 11:30am (Mass in Polish)
Weekday Masses
Monday – Friday at 9:00am
First Friday of month at 9:00 am followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Adoration, and Benediction at 3:00 pm First Saturday of month at 9:00am
Holy Days
Masses at 9:00am and 7:00pm (except January 1st)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays 4:00pm – 4:30pm & by appointment
Bishop Ronald Hicks' Corner
Bishop Hicks’ September Column – “God Blessed the Seventh Day and Made it Holy”
Click the following link to read the Bishop’s column: https://www.diojoliet.org/w/god-blessed-the-seventh-day-and-made-it-holy-copy-
National Eucharistic Revival Prayer
“Lord Jesus Christ, you give us your flesh and blood for the life of the world, and you desire that all people come to the Supper of the Sacrifice of the Lamb. Renew in your Church the truth, beauty, and goodness contained in the Most Blessed Eucharist. Jesus living in the Eucharist, come and live in me. Jesus healing in the Eucharist, come and heal me. Jesus sacrificing yourself in the Eucharist, come and suffer in me. Jesus rising in the Eucharist, come and rise to new life in me. Jesus loving in the Eucharist, come and love in me. Lord Jesus Christ, through the paschal mystery of your death and resurrection made present in every Holy Mass, pour out your healing love on your Church and on our world. Grant that as we lift you up during this time of Eucharistic Revival, your Holy Spirit may draw all people to join us at this Banquet of Life. You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Eucharist, Pray for us.”