Welcome to Corpus Christi Catholic Church
– Fr. Mark Jurzyk, Pastor
Liturgical Ministries
Do you want to become a Catholic?
Grow your Faith
The Pastor's Corner
Sox versus Cubs
One of the first questions I have been frequently asked for the last 25 years here in Illinois was … are you a Cubs or Sox fan? This question, innocent on the surface, is, in fact, a very difficult and dangerous one. As a priest and spiritual director to many people, I naturally want to remain neutral, suspecting that my answer could affect the . . .
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Like our Facebook page for the latest news, events and happenings or to watch our worship services online.
Sign up now to Pray the 9 Days for Life
Pray with thousands of Catholics nationwide for the protection human life with the Annual 9 Days for Life Novena from January 16 to January 24. Sign up to receive the daily prayers and reflections via email or text message by clicking this link – https://www.respectlife.org/9-days-signup
Family Mass - Sunday, January 26th at 10:00 am
The St. Cecilia’s Children’s Choir invites you and your family to come to our Family Mass – Sunday, January 26 at 10:00 am.
Register and go with us - March for Life - March 25th
Join hundreds from the Diocese of Joliet on March 25 to attend the March for Life in Springfield, Illinois. Register here by using the QR code to take the bus from Corpus Christi Church. If you cannot attend, please continue to pray that the hearts and minds of our Illinois officials may be changed to protect all human life.
Mass Schedule
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil — 5:00pm
Sunday — 8:00am, 10:00am & 11:30am (Mass in Polish)
Weekday Masses
Monday – Friday at 9:00am
First Friday of month at 9:00 am followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Adoration, and Benediction at 3:00 pm First Saturday of month at 9:00am
Holy Days
Masses at 9:00am and 7:00pm (except January 1st)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays 4:00pm – 4:30pm & by appointment
Bishop Ronald A. Hicks' January Column
“From Jubilee to Jubilee: A Path of Celebration and Renewal”
Click the following link to read the Bishop’s column: https://www.diojoliet.org/w/from-jubilee-to-jubilee-a-path-of-celebration-and-renewal
National Eucharistic Revival Prayer
“Lord Jesus Christ, you give us your flesh and blood for the life of the world, and you desire that all people come to the Supper of the Sacrifice of the Lamb. Renew in your Church the truth, beauty, and goodness contained in the Most Blessed Eucharist. Jesus living in the Eucharist, come and live in me. Jesus healing in the Eucharist, come and heal me. Jesus sacrificing yourself in the Eucharist, come and suffer in me. Jesus rising in the Eucharist, come and rise to new life in me. Jesus loving in the Eucharist, come and love in me. Lord Jesus Christ, through the paschal mystery of your death and resurrection made present in every Holy Mass, pour out your healing love on your Church and on our world. Grant that as we lift you up during this time of Eucharistic Revival, your Holy Spirit may draw all people to join us at this Banquet of Life. You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Eucharist, Pray for us.”