Weekend Announcements

January 18 & 19 – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

  1. We invite you to our annual Special Needs Mass on Saturday, January 18 at 5 pm. After that Mass, enjoy a bake sale and support the Children of Mary, an organization which serves those with special needs.
  2. Our next Family Mass is next Sunday, January 26 at 10 am.  We especially invite families with young children to attend.
  3. It’s time for the annual Knights of Columbus Superbowl Squares and Raffle baskets. Please visit the Knights in the narthex to support this annual fundraiser.
  4. It would be greatly appreciated if our parish groups or individuals would provide a basket for the Basket Raffle.  Baskets should be at least $25 in value and can be dropped off to the Knights in the narthex or to the Parish Office during the week.
  5. On Wednesday, January 22, we observe the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children.  Join Catholics nationwide in prayer for the protection of human life.  See our online bulletin, Facebook page or website on how to download a 9 Days for Life Novena to receive daily prayers and reflections.
  6. Since Corpus Christi has been designated a Jubilee Church by our Diocese, beginning February 6, Mass will be celebrated at 6 pm with Confession preceding the Mass every Thursday. There will not be a 9 am Mass on Thursdays.
  7. Join hundreds from the Diocese of Joliet on March 25 to attend the March for Life in Springfield, Illinois. Register to take the bus from Corpus Christi Church. See our bulletin or Facebook page for the QR code.

We wish you all a blessed weekend!

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See the parish bulletin or our Facebook page for more information on all of these events and happenings.

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