Liturgical Ministries
If you would like to serve in one of these ministries, contact the Parish Office (630) 483-4673 or email: Liturgical ministers provide support for all regular and special worship celebrations within the parish. Some training sessions and spiritual formation is required per the Diocese of Joliet.
Proclaims the Word of God at the Mass and other liturgies in the church.
Host Greeter
Are you a people person? Joyfully greet parishioners as they arrive, guide them to their seats, distribute bulletins, assist with the offertory collections, guide Communion reception. We offer ongoing personal training, and all ages are welcome! This is a perfect ministry for families.
Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Communion
Assist the priest and deacon to distribute the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ with reverence and dignity at Mass.
Music Ministry
Use the talent of your voice or musical instrument to praise God and to help the congregation to participate in the liturgies. For more information, visit our Music Ministry page.
The sacristan carefully arranges the liturgical books, the vestments, sacred vessels, and other things necessary in the celebration of Mass. This person undertakes the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations, including all that is needed for special liturgies.
Altar Servers
Dedicated, responsible youth in Grades 3 and up – even adults – who have received their First Holy Communion will assist the priest in the celebration of Mass and other worship services such as weddings and funerals. Training will be provided. This is an excellent way for children and adults to experience the Mystery of the Mass in a deeper way; grow their relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ who is Present in the Eucharist; deepen their faith and sense of service and make new friends.
Ministers of Care
Art & Environment
Help prepare, decorate, and be responsible for beautifying the Church for the liturgical seasons throughout the year.
Gardening Group
Help with beautifying the Church grounds. Help maintain our grounds and gardens by watering, pulling weeds, planting. “Green Thumb” not required.
Eucharistic Adoration
Come to the Quiet. Adore the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament on the first Friday of the month 9 am-3pm, followed by Benediction.