Weekend Announcements
March 8 & 9 – First Sunday of Lent
- There will be a second collection today for the Maintenance Fund. Thank you for helping to keep our buildings and grounds safe and beautiful.
- Pray the Stations of the Cross with us at 7 pm every Friday in Lent. Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will follow the Stations until 8:30 pm.
- Next Sunday, March 16 beginning at 12:45 pm, let’s celebrate both St. Joseph and St. Patrick downstairs in Marian Hall. Bring a dish or dessert to share and enjoy great food and conversation.
- Our parish is excited to welcome back the Passion Play by the St. Hyacinth Basilica theater group on Sunday, March 23 at 6:30 pm. Invite your family and friends to attend this moving depiction of the Passion of the Lord.
- In celebration of our parish’s 35th Anniversary, we are having a new pictorial directory created! We want all parishioners to have their picture taken for this new directory. It won’t be complete without you. The photo sessions will be held on April 4 and 5, and reservations are being taken after Mass in the narthex.
- Adult Catholics who haven’t received the Sacrament of Confirmation are invited to register for preparation workshops hosted by Deacon Tom on April 6 and April 13. To register, please contact the Parish Office by March 30.
- Join us on March 25 at the March for Life in Springfield, Illinois. Register to take the bus from Corpus Christi Church by using the QR code or link in our bulletin, Facebook page or website.
- The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a community Blood Drive on Thursday, March 20 at the Fountain View Recreation Center. See a Knight in the narthex to register.
- We invite you to a Holy Hour with the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Sunday, from 3 to 4 pm in our church. Confession is available from 3 to 3:30 pm. Come to the quiet and stay a little or for a while. Jesus is waiting for you.
- Mass will be celebrated at 6 pm every Thursday evening in the Jubilee Year. Confession and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament precedes Mass at 5:30 pm.
- The Saint Vincent de Paul Society is accepting donations this weekend in the narthex of non-perishable food items to help support Wayne Township and other local pantries.
- Please pray for our parishioners and close family members who are in need of healing; and also for all who have died, especially for Karen Garcia, daughter of Roque and Evangelina Garcia.
- Deacon Tom Thiltgen celebrates a special birthday this week. Be sure to thank him for his many years of dedicated ministry and pray for continued God’s blessings upon him.
Have a blessed First Sunday of Lent.
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See the parish bulletin or our Facebook page for more information on all of these events and happenings.
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