Weekend Announcements

September 7 & 8 – 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

  1. On behalf of our Corpus Christi parish family, we wish God’s blessings to Deacon Tom on the 23rd anniversary of his ordination to the diaconate.  May God continue to bless him and his ministry.
  2. There will be a second collection this weekend for our Maintenance Fund. God bless you and your generosity.
  3. As we begin a new catechetical year, we welcome all our Religious Education students and families to a new school year of faith and friendship!
  4. We’re still looking for three RE teachers who can share their faith with our parish children on Monday and Wednesday at 3:30 and 4:45pm.  Lesson plans will be provided.  Please contact the RE Office for more information at cceducation@sbcglobal.net or (630) 483-4222.
  5. Next Sunday, September 15, our 35th anniversary celebration begins with 10 am Mass presided by Fr. Bob Hoffenkamp and Fr. Mark.  We invite you to continue the celebration at our annual Parish Picnic Fundraiser following that Mass.  Enjoy great food, live music by Richie Shep, raffle prizes, a classic car show, a pumpkin patch, bounce house and more! FYI – Raffle Winners need not be present.
  6. Can you volunteer at the picnic to sell tickets or to donate a gift basket for our raffle? Please contact the Parish Office at: corpuschristicc@sbcglobal.net or (630) 483-4673.
  7. We invite you to send in photos of memorable moments at Corpus Christi, especially from the 1990s to 2000s – Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, Wedding, Mission Trips or any other special activities. We will display them at the picnic and in the narthex throughout the next year.  Please email or snail mail your pictures to the Parish Office at: corpuschristicc@sbcglobal.net or mail to 1415 W. Lies Rd., Carol Stream, IL 60188.
  8. The St. Vincent de Paul Society will be distributing bags in the narthex after Mass for their food collection next weekend.  Please help the less fortunate by donating non-perishable food items.
  9. If you or someone you know is interested in knowing more about the Catholic Church or becoming Catholic, we invite you to Monday night gatherings, beginning on September 16, at 6:30 pm. See the bulletin or contact Deacon Tom for details.
  10. Our Filipino Community will be serving up sweet hospitality for you on Sunday, September 8 after all the Masses. Stop downstairs in Marian Hall to enjoy the beverages and sweet treats.
  11. Please pray for our parishioners and family members who are in need of healing, and also for all who have died, especially for Yvette Trevino, mother of Michael Trevino.

Have a blessed weekend!

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See the parish bulletin or our Facebook page for more information on all of these events and happenings.

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