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The Feast of Corpus Christi – One Day is Not Enough

This Sunday is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, or Corpus Christi. In this feast, we celebrate the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.  The feast is special for us since this is the name of our parish. This year we will celebrate it in a special way:  not once, but twice. First, on Sunday, June 2 – the very day of the feast and a week later – Sunday, June 9 at the conclusion of the Octave of Corpus Christi, with Bishop Ronald Hicks presiding at the 10 am Mass.

Why are we celebrating twice?  Let’s ask ourselves:  What is better than celebrating a wedding day? Celebrate it for a second day or for several days! In fact, in some countries, a wedding is celebrated for two or three days with the last day at home together with close family members.  One day is not enough to fully express the joy of the new couple that enriches both families. For this same reason, the Church celebrates Christmas not only on Christmas Day but for the following week or the Octave, which means eight days.  In the same way, the significance of Jesus’ resurrection is highlighted by celebrating it on Easter Sunday but also the following seven days.

The priests of our deanery, which comprise 16 parishes of West DuPage County will be referencing this tradition of the Church.  We will celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi for eight consecutive days in parishes of the deanery with a solemn conclusion in our parish with our bishop. Several priests will be present on June 9, deacons from our deanery, religious sisters, and various parishes’ CCW members, Knights of Columbus, Scouts, and many other groups. In this solemn celebration, we will show that as Catholics, we have a profound respect for the miracle of the Eucharist – Jesus really present with us, His Church.

After the 10 am Mass, we will carry the monstrance with the Eucharistic Jesus and will process to four altars or stations that symbolize the four corners of the world. The procession is a public profession of our faith and an invitation for God to be with us at our homes, schools, stores, playgrounds, hospitals, businesses, restaurants – everywhere we are. We invite Him to influence our thoughts, what we say, what we do, and to strengthen us as we shape our daily lives on the Gospel.

The joy of this celebration will be continued after the procession in our beautiful gardens at the Taste of Corpus Christi, a parish picnic with ethnic and other delicious food and fun.

Please join us and invite members of your family, friends, and neighbors.

May God bless you. Fr. Mark Jurzyk