The Eucharist – Sacred Meal, Sacrifice, Real Presence. Explore the Mystery of Christ’s Presence in Your Life. Join us on this 5-Week Bible Study Program By Bishop Robert Barron – starting February 21, 23 or 25, 2024. Use the form below to register.
While it is an indescribable mystery, the Church calls the Eucharist the “source and summit of the Christian life.” Explore the mystery of Christ’s presence in your life, and the centrality of the Eucharist as an important part of that presence.
This fresh look at the Eucharist brings to light its reality as sacred meal, the sacrifice necessary for communion with God, and the Real Presence of Christ. Delve into the Eucharist as the once-and-for-all sacrifice that reunited humanity with God, and the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ, present through transubstantiation.