Save the Date of Epiphany Sunday, January 7th for our Annual Christmas Concert at 3:30 pm and Dinner at 5 pm. The Concert is Free and open to everyone. The Dinner is by Reservation Only.
Soprano Amanda Joy Brunetti and fellow parishioner, will be lending her beautiful voice this year. The 3:30 pm concert will feature our St. Cecilia’s Children’s Choir, our adult cantors, guitar group aka Rejoice Ensemble, and our talented musicians. After the Free Concert, join us for a delicious and festive dinner at 5 pm – including a Christmas Carol sing along! The cost of the Dinner is $25 per adult, $7 per child ages 5-13, and children under 5 are free. Dinner Reservations can be made after each Mass in the narthex/church foyer. Reservations Forms can also be found in our online bulletin. For more information, call the Parish Office at: 630-483-4673.