Advent begins with the 5 pm Vigil Mass on December 2nd. Advent means we anticipate the coming or arrival of Christ. Let us ready our hearts and minds for Jesus Christ, who is the true light and the light that never sets.
We invite you to take advantage of the many ways that you and your family can participate in this Advent Season — Light the Advent Wreath weekly with your family; help people in need by supporting St. Vincent de Paul’s outreach; attend our weekend Liturgies; come to Mass at 9 am or 7 pm on December 8 to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception; help infants and children in need by donating items at our Family Mass on December 10 at 10 am; celebrate the Filipino Simbang Gabi “Evening Mass” on December 16; enjoy Breakfast with Santa on December 17; come to our Parish Reconciliation Service on December 19 — all leading up to the birth of Christ and the joy of Christmas, followed by our annual Parish Christmas Concert and Christmas Dinner on Epiphany Sunday, January 7. More information about these events and more during Advent can be found on our Facebook page at or our online bulletin found on our website.